Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Short Bulletin

 My internet is flipping in and out daily which is, of course, torturing me. I can't keep up with my reading and forget about posting. Sorry folks I can't drive over to the firehouse and sit in the truck and type a thoughtful post. Some of you might think I can't type a thoughtful post in the comfort of my own home and I wouldn't argue with you.
 Until the cable specialist gets here (they are rushing over NEXT Monday) I can't deal with this thing going in and out. I am teaching tomorrow night and won't make it home until late anyway. SO let's just call it a hiatus and wait until all things come aright again. Besides, you'll have all the news to read about the great times beng had down in Baltimore and won't have time for this page anyway.
 Go read that stuff and enjoy. I'll just sit here and wait until the line comes on and stays on.
 This post will go up whenever the damn thing goes back on again.

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